Wednesday, 28 September 2011


I do it because I guess I can do it; I can because I want to try it.
I want to try it just because you said I couldn't make it!
Come on man, don't look down at me zzz

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Wisdom teeth

Hurt & Suffer -.-
I  just want to continue with my habit of eating!!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

NO title

I don’t wish to stay at home, only friends can cheer me up. Thanks for giving me a great nite yesterday, and the b'day gitf! Appreciated!
I don’t even like to know what’s the next second happen.
My brain is tired of facing difficult prob..
Remind yourself. Don’t forget, always remember.
Please try your best to face problems with your BIG smile :D
Alright. Well, I know thing finally settled, but with awful mood.
I couldn’t help her anymore.
I couldn’t care her anymore.
I couldn’t LOVE her anymore. I just only can missing her in life!
Swt. Tiring of acting that I am still good actually, but just ACT.
Stop acting. Stop pretenting. So ugly man!
I keep telling myself, they’re probably not ignoring me, but definitely...They are.
I am having second thoughts.
I know that’s just my life. What so called “life”?
Sad. Sorry, I don’t really know the answer well.
My all friends, please come to me. Smile! =)

Conclusion: Both sides lose. Both sides suffer. Deep breathe.


Game Over!!!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011


开心过完中秋 但事情却没有显得因为中秋而团团又圆圆

大吵大闹 又来了心脏砰砰跳 又来了

家劫依然存在 脸上的笑容不真实

戴面具做人很为难 吵架过日子更为难

好日子与坏日子 为何不选择过好日子的生活

需知道 硬对硬 那火山肯定会爆发 为何不避免

两方面都坚持固执 那最后只得两败俱伤 没完没了

只要家庭温暖开心 我就很心满意足 这算很贪心吗


虽然当事人并不是本身 但会不开心难过也只是因为我们是一家人

p/s : 累了 真的累了 :(

Monday, 12 September 2011

Mooncake Festival '11

Just forget the bad for awhile ><
Let's enjoy tonight!
Happy Mid Autumn Festival.
Since a long didn't touch lantern~~~ 
Tonight can enjoy with lantern & mooncakes & dessert & red grape juice!!!
Talk back my childhood~
When I was a small kid, my bros & cousin and I love to hold the paper lantern and walked along at my grandma house. It was quite fun. Memories~~
Enjoy tonight, everyone there :)

Sunday, 11 September 2011


伤心 不开心
但原来不是 才知道还有好几公里的路才能到达
可是 往往就是会因为一些小事情 而把事情变坏事
为什么 就这样 搞得每张开心的脸换去愁样子
不明白 为什么 要给自己安慰的话 就是

Thursday, 1 September 2011


It is the last day of my raya holidays today,
Just came back from Jusco Selatan.
These few days weather had been bad, so hot out there!!!