Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Trouble is a Friend

Once again. I feel like no matter what the decisions that I make are always the wrong 1. T.T
Suddenly I feel that I got so many things to do, I just need some time to settle down, but seems I have so little time to do so. Calm down, please give me some time @@  Oh god...I need your helping hand. I do really wish that my problems can be solved asap!! I want a good sleep night zzz
Btw, I fully need my parents support on what's my decision. This is the only point.

Best of luck, Jamy!! T.T



Life doesn't come with a manual, you will get some trouble along the way Jamy. Your parents or friends could help you make the right decisions, don't be afraid to ask, you will learn from what others say or advice you to do, think about waht they said and then take action, don't rush...

Take care Jamy

Jan's place...

Jamy Fong said...

thanks for the concern Jan, will cheer up myself also :) dont rush. okie ^^

Have a good day!

salt lake house cleaning said...

You seem to be immune on life's challenges.