Saturday, 7 July 2012

Speak out

Well, say what I need to say. Speak out~ I've tried that, but the ending still same as usual as now. Never mind, I accept that 'result', at least I can be satisfied that I've tried.

No matter what the result is, I will still love my dad and love my mum, always.


Tetris Guru ;-) said...

Always go for the satisfaction towards something you've tried while accepting the outcome and understanding your objectives/goals, rather than satisfaction for not trying while keeping quiet and not knowing your objectives/goals.

Jamy Fong said...

enen, okie. anyway,i hope my beloved1 will never leave my site, support me oways.

wildprince said...

Listen to Tetris Guru ya, he's alwez right!

Tetris 亀仙人 said...

Please dun give up your dream, so you won't regret in the end. Remaining silent will never get you anywhere, even if u'll get pushed back for speaking up, at least u're moving somewhere! It's a lot better than staying at one place.

Jamy Fong said...

omg.. 亀仙人!! wish me luck!! go ahead go ahead~~~


I love that last line of your post Jamy, allways love your parents no matter what... take care Jamy.

Jamy Fong said...

Hello Jan, thanks and take care, too :)