Tuesday, 18 December 2012


~ 但我不爱美。哈哈!不过我有我对自己的打扮的要求,简单穿得舒服又带点时尚的感觉 别说我喜欢扮高贵爱作样,那只是我生活当中的一部分,所以为何不让自己穿得开心自在点呢?
~ 我觉得我拥有了“爱买少穿”的习惯~ 不懂这算是我的怪癖吗?应该不会不正常吧?有哪些女生不爱逛街购物嘛!最近我都有在买高鞋穿呢! 哈哈!从以前到现在我都总是觉得我不太像其他女生~ 有个男生的样子?为什么这么说哈?
第一: 我不爱化妆, 第二: 我衣橱里的衣服衬衫或裤子比裙子多, 第三: 带有着38的个性. 是真的有吗? 哈哈!
我不怕肥但又每次觉得自己肥。我吃东西吃不多,但喜欢尝试各种美食甜点~ 多数会到外面找吃,(先声明一样东西不是只有贵的菜肴才算好吃喔!) 我最爱是spicy food & 雪糕. 偶尔有时间会约一班姐妹老友找个餐馆去吃个饭喝茶聊天~那是多么开心又享受的聊天聚会啊~ 超喜欢和朋友谈天说笑的感觉!Hmm, 每个男生都希望有个会做饭的女友在身边~ 很可惜---目前为此,我还不算是。我一点厨艺都没有,惭愧呐~~ 毕竟我年纪也不小了,是时候请教妈妈学会做几道菜来给家人或另一半品尝自己的手艺。(我可以的! 等我啊~~)

Saturday, 8 December 2012


What so called “Fate”?
I met my boy one day. He was a handsome boy although he has a round round body. ^^
After that, we got closer and closer and then finally got together. When I was in deep trouble, he did took care about me. *Hugs*
Sometimes, He is so damn funny, makes me laugh, and sometimes, He is so serious, It is so good because I can know he isn’t like a play boy when in some kind of discussion. I just love the way he is. Argument between couples is normal, but we still so sweet in our love. He gave me at least a call every day and nights. Before I sleep, I can see so much of him living in my little eyes. (so geli here, sorry. hahaha.) *Lovely*
Yea. Just trust myself. Just believe our love would never end, and I also believe that we will be together forever and ever. I am happy to have him by my side. So thankful my boy can accept my kinda childish attitude. As I always wish to. My boy is my last. *Promised*

p/s : geli post ^o^

Friday, 7 December 2012


My two days extra holiday has just finished today. Lol.
Soon, my mum will be home from her Thailand trip later 11pm++. After that, it's my dad's turn for his trip. Lol. Thailand company trip. (4 days) So enjoy what! (hehee..)

Oh yea... Recently got a noob girl' attitude that I quite hate. It doesn't seems to be me though for me to dislike another person. What I mean? Blur? Okie, Frankly speaking, I dislike "YOU". I didn't really like you pretend like you don't know what you did. It's really so fake and so irritating!!

Thursday, 6 December 2012

nO title

Hello, December.
What a month? I don't know...
Day just same as usual. Eat-Work-Play-Eat-Sleep.
Talk about working? Okie. You might think I am really working. But actually, I am just stalking on facebook. Lolx. (Biasa lah~~~~ hehehee)
Oh Yes. It's only 7.30 am.and I'm already awake. (quite earlyzzz)

My "holiday" today. I don't know how I should feel about this. Sleep again? =.=