Friday, 10 May 2013


Hello May! =.= Time to update here. Frankly, I wasn't too busy to publish a post, but just too lazy to practise my writing. What?!! I've been become lazier since I've got my holidays! How I pass my holiday as I said? Probably just due to the lack of work pressures.You know, things haven't always been easy for our futures. These few months I went through a lot of down moments. What so called downs moments? Stressful? I guess you can't get what I mean here. Haiz....Never thought I would be one of them. Never thought I would came like today. Never thought I would think of "No money. No talk". (since now really need $$) Just realized that life is full of a lot of things I never thought. And also, just know these few months what it's taught me the real meaning of real life is. Don't care, sounds louder. So, what can I do now? I am sorry. So funny, I don't know what can I do. Arg... I know it and I recognise my problems, but now is how to overcome the problems?! Please don't look at me with your diff eyes. :( Can you just give me some times to solve the problem? Thanks! Thanks!

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