Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Still zzz

Happy Sunday--29th May.
The 38 gangs sista decided to go Sunway Lagoon.
Yes, we were enjoying a lot of fun swimming there, but no so much picture taken.
After that, we meal at Jalan reko , Bangi--Sekinchan Ikan Bakar.
Then I rush back to home 4 my 2nd round-- dinner with family. lol..
Looking forward to the next gathering. (with the 38 group sista)
I hope we can all get together again. Btw, I want to enjoy enough in M'sia before I fly to another country.
Here we are

Enjoy-ing with fooD

Friday, 27 May 2011

Sorry and Smile

Guess you may feel bored to read my blog. 
Because is again I wanted to talk about my current working life.
Since I replaced my colleague table,
its been almost 1 month. (still have 1 month plus to go)
So far, 
I can used to the unfamiliar works. 

Everyone will make mistake, so I do.
I am willing to learn something new.
I scare I do mistake.
Have a good friend said no mistake then not so called work.
I felt right to his words.
But why I always pressure myself in doing something new? 
Every night I sleep, and think of tomorrow have to get back to the unfamiliar table. 
My mind fulled of stress stress stresssss.
I just hope everything will go smoothly.
I'd told myself before,
I should stop FB-ing & Blogging,
so only can concentrate on work. 
Seems I talked rubbish again. Sorry.

Since you know I am not the so talkative girl, (ya meh??)
so still I prefer to share my words on my blog and let the time passes quickly. 
this is the only way to release my work pressure while working time. 
Each people have thier own way to release pressure mah.. 
Don't blame me owh. Smile!

Saturday, 21 May 2011

生一次, 死一次

究竟2012世界末日仅是个传言还是末日的预言? 无人知道...

钱. 怎么赚都赚不完.
不如趁现在把你所赚的血汗钱都拿去享受人间美食与家人朋友度过欢乐时光 & 拍多多的照片留念, 不然真的等到末日那一天, 你抱着你的财产遗憾终生都没有用啊...

本小姐我应该很无助, 因为很有可能还在远在他乡的我没办法与家人共患同难.
啊! 矛盾~

还没发生的事情, 你干嘛想那么多?!

p/s: simple post o.O


Saturday, 14 May 2011

Panda eyes @@

I hate panda eyes! *hate*
I just don't really understand why I can't get to sleep easily? *hate*
Last, Jamy is become panda Jamy. *hate*

Jamy is been under a lot of pressure recently, please do be nice with her.
If not, she will be crazy. Definitely. She listens to the song, and talks to the air. See?
lolz -.-

Friday, 6 May 2011


Wake up, wake up!!
Jamy, don't fb-ing, don't blogging, and please stop your rubbish thought!
You have to start getting yourself focus in work!
Start from today, I will replace my colleague' table, but only just for two months.
But?? just?!! What words there??!! Stop harassing me can mou?
Haiz... I don't really like the feelings. I really quite uncomfortable that I sitting front of the unfamiliar table.
Btw, I don't so sure that I can handle my work good good?
I scared. I worried. Stress-ing. I need helpppppppppppp!
May & June... No eyes see!!

Jamy, try your best!
Sigh. @@

p/s: GooD Luck!!!!!!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

nO title

So happy to get your call last night.
Even it just a little gift., I'd do appreciated that.
SINCE I need a new battery so much. (lazy) wakakaa..
Very thank you :)

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Single me

I know every happens just for a reason.
Family problems & Personal matters.
Think think think~ So much thinking these day.
Tired tired tired~ My mind is tired, but I am used to let my minds getting tired. =.=
Guess there is no more space in my mind to let all those things annoying me!
Finally, he had make a serious decision for his own.
In other words, it has changes my "love life", too.
How does it feels? Come again but its again over. No feeling.
You might be feel good, coz you make a good choice for you, either me.
I'm not going to do anything this time. Maybe we just not ready for forever.
I should return you a sorry. I know my selfish, and unfair to you. Sorry.
Sometimes, I prefer to be alone, no one can bother you that way.
Sorry, I will delete our memories from today.
It might hurt you, but I accepted all my wrongdoings and to be an evil for you.
What I know is, just be yourself only better and happy.
Btw, I love my blog, sometime it can helps me release my helpless.
and, I just need a reader out there to know my helpless enough.

p/s: Cheer up all! Don't need 2worry, because I am good :)