Sunday 31 May 2009

Sharing ^^

This noon, I had my meal at Cheras. It was my third times "visit" this restaurant---媚姨. But only today have chance to taste the famous food there.(noodle--板面)

Why? Last twice times we came, my dad doesn't have patient to wait so loOooong.

By the way, we're through 阿贤-搵食艰难 find out the destination. (Cheras Counnought)
Well, I have taste the black noodle, usually black noodle is black colour one right, but black noodle colour in this restaurant is white one. Yea, if you're prefer spicy food, you will like it! Even curry or soup noodle, taste of those noodle are nice also. Price also "ngam ngam hou". Haha...

The 1st u taste it won't "feel" spicy, but after you taste it, "feel" soOo spicy~

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