Monday, 24 September 2012


Well, It should be no any argument between family.
But, Money is always the problem.
I know that-- People said "No money No talk".
Please stay calm and ask yourself...
Money can buy you happiness nor family relationship well?
The answer I can answer you is---- Cannot. :)

p/s:  Do appreciated if your family still there for you,always!


亀仙人 said...

Put it this way, u have a decent amount of money, if u dropped it or lose it, there are always money out there somewhere for you to earn again. Dropped or loses your family, you'll NEVER earn or get them back ANYWHERE EVER AGAIN!

Jamy Fong said...

yes.. i know this. totally agree..why u so kit dong neh??

Tetris God said...

Woah~~~ 亀仙人! This is soooooo deep~~ What a great philosophy by the turtle sage! Lolx

亀仙人 said...

Oi...Pukimak Tetris God!! U so free now ar!!? Come here stalk ppl. Go back play ur own gugu tetris! ><!!!

The Wild Prince said...

Hi, Jamy. Great sharing you got there. While ignoring those two up there, let me share my thoughts here on this, society today only values what makes a value values is all solely based on what you've shared here. Money is the only reason that keeps the world revolving. People strive to live on by working on decent, undecent or what-so-ever method you can name it; all because for the very same reason, money. Money may cause problems among people in our society while at the same time, it helps by solving most problem for is a solid yet important asset to each individual society. Try give it thought, would this world be better with or without money?

Jamy Fong said...

walao... i wanna pengsan d.. 1st time saw got rude words in my blog comment! donno wan laugh or cry~~ (haha)

Hello, The wild prince... thanks for ur super double lovely comment here// I clearly know tat wat u are trying to say :)